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Minecraft Character

What is Minecraft?


Looking to develop your creativity and problem-solving skills? The Center for Future Innovators has just the thing for you! Our Minecraft Education programs offer two exciting opportunities for students to design and build structures using creative mode.


The game can be described as a ‘sandbox game’ which means that it’s a virtual world that players can create their own lands and experiences within using various materials. Within the game, students get resourceful and gather building materials from their surrounding environment.

Our Classes

Spring Season

Dates are coming soon!

In the Minecraft Builder Club, students meet once a week to complete build challenges. Students join our server and are led in their design challenge by a teacher and student club president. Each meeting is 60 minutes


  • Learn engineering through Redstone

  • Build confidence and speaking skills through weekly presentations

  • Master teamwork through our monthly team-build challenges

  • Develop critical thinking skills to solve weekly challenges

  • Access to a safe and dedicated club server 24/7!



One Month: $30

Three Months: $50

Six Months: $70



10 Minutes: Building instruction / New block introduction

50 Minutes: Build time

Minecraft Builders Club

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